Beyond the Label: Unveiling the Truth About Formaldehyde-Free Hair Smoothing Products

May 27th 2024

Beyond the Label: Unveiling the Truth About Formaldehyde-Free Hair Smoothing Products

Formaldehyde-free smoothing hair products are becoming increasingly popular, and they are now available not just in salons but also for at-home use. If you’re considering trying one of these treatments at home, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks involved. Despite being labeled as formaldehyde-free, some of these products contain chemicals like glyoxyloyl carbocysteine, which can release formaldehyde when heated. Additionally, these products may contain oxalate, a harmful chemical that can adversely affect your kidneys.

Consider this real-life example: A 41-year-old woman ended up in the emergency room after using one of these supposedly safe products at home. She experienced severe symptoms including weakness, nausea, and vomiting, and was diagnosed with acute kidney injury. After thorough medical evaluation, doctors identified kidney damage caused by oxalate crystals. Thankfully, she recovered with appropriate treatment, but her experience serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers associated with these products.

Whether you’re opting for a salon treatment or an at-home product, it’s essential to be cautious about what you’re applying to your hair and exposing your body to. Always read the ingredients carefully and don’t hesitate to ask questions to ensure your safety.

Original article: Acute Kidney Injury following Exposure to Formaldehyde-Free Hair-Straightening Products

Case Rep Nephrol Dial. 2022 May-Aug; 12(2): 112–116. Published online 2022 Jul 11. doi: 10.1159/000525567